As a recruiter or recruitment manager, your first introduction to the job seeker is very important and within 10 to 15 minutes, you have to create trust and confidence.
Salary Range for a Recruiter
Learn about the salary range of a recruiter in USA and resume sourcing salary in India and how salary can be increased from base range to a higher range based on the recruiter's skills and experience.
How to become a Recruiter?
Universtally, steps followed in hiring a person is almost consistent across all organizations. It may take 1 week to understand the organization policies, visa process for each country and may take 3 months to 1 year to develop a client/vendor/candidate database.
How Clients (End Clients or End Customer) Source Resume for Hiring?
How to source resumes using Dice, Monster, Linked In, Twitter, FaceBook, head hunting, target hunting,
Google groups, Internet Search, Forums.
Staffing Firm Departments – Functions & Roles
Overview about IT Staffing and how Operations, Sales, Recruitment, HR, Contracts,
Immigration and Finance departments work to place a candidate with client.
Success of a Staffing Firm
How to run a successful staffing company or staffing firm.
What is Hiring?
Learn about hiring, proactive hiring, reactive hiring and End Client, Tier1 Client, Tier2 Client,
Preferred Vendor, Vendor and System Integration Partners.
Comparison of US Daylight Savings Time & US Standard Time with Indian Standard Time
How employees in a staffing firm/Company work across different time zones in USA &
how offshore recruiters work from India for a USA staffing company.
Talent Management Software / Resume Sourcing Software
Talent Management software, resume Sourcing software and Resume Sourcing Websites are used in proactive hiring, reactive hiring and HR process. Table shows the leading talent management software along with their websites.
Role of Hotlist Bench Sales Manager
Bench Sales Manager: In a staffing firm, Hotlist Sales Manager and Recruiter are like two faces of a coin. When…