USA Daylight Savings Time and USA Standard Time:
Let us see how time changes in different time zones across USA. There are 9 different time zone observed in USA, and for explanation purpose, we take Eastern Standard Time (EST), Central Standard Time (CST), Mountain Standard Time (MST) and Pacific Standard Time (PST) in to account. Most of the states are in one time zone, but in few states, there are two different zones.
In Order to use the day light available, most of the states change their time from standard time to day light savings time. Daylight Savings Time (DST) begins 2 AM on second Sunday in March and ends 2 AM on first Sunday in November. After Daylight Savings Time ends, standard timing begins.
Note:If it is Daylight Saving Time, notation (acronym) ends with DT (example EDT); if it is standard timing, acronym ends with ST (EST).
Usually working hours in USA is between 8 AM to 5 PM.
To work across different time zones, few companies in Eastern Time Zone start working late at 9 AM EST and few companies in Pacific Time Zone start working earlier at 7 AM PST. When most of the staffing firms communicate with each other, they mention only standard time notation (ends with ST) irrespective of day light savings time or standard time.
To know about time zone, times, please visit
Comparison of USA Daylight Savings Time, USA Standard Time with Indian Standard Time:
We are comparing Indian Standard Time (IST) with USA Daylight Savings Time (DST) and USA Standard time to understand how working hours in India changes for a Staffing Team. Example: Assume that a USA based company has its own recruitment division in India and for Indian Employees; working hours are between 8 AM EST and 5 pm EST. During USA Standard time, employees will be in office at 6.30 PM IST and leave at 3.30 AM EST. During USA Daylight Savings time, employees in India will be in office at 5.30 PM IST and leave at 2.30 AM IST. You have to note that USA working hours are constant and it is always 8 AM EST and 5 pm EST whereas, staffing firm in India adjusts its working hours accordingly.
Time in Time Zones with Examples:
USA Daylight Savings Time:
Let us take an example: Date as 15th June and Eastern Daylight Time at 8 AM. Times observed in other zones are:
- Central Daylight Time (CDT): 7 AM
- Mountain Daylight Time (MDT): 6 AM
- Pacific Daylight Time (PDT): 5 AM
- Indian Standard Time (IST): 5.30 PM
USA Standard Time:
Let us take an example: Date as 15th December and Eastern Standard Time at 8 AM. Times observed in other zones are:
- Central Standard Time (CST): 7 AM
- Mountain Standard Time (MST): 6 AM
- Pacific Standard Time (PST): 5 AM
- Indian Standard Time (IST): 6.30 PM
Comparison of Indian Standard Time (IST) and US (EST, MST, CST, PST) times:
USA Standard Time:
Since 2007, USA standard time starts on the first Sunday of November and ends on the second Sunday of March at 2.00 PM.
USA Daylight Savings Time:
Since 2007, daylight saving time starts on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November, at 2:00 A.M.
Table 1: IST (VS) EST / MST / CST / PST timings

Table 2: IST (VS) US Daylight Savings Time

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