
Comparison between US Visas | US Visas and Tax Terms like W2, 1099, Corp to Corp

Compare US Visas, Differences between US Visas, US Visas and 1099, US Visas and w2, US Visas and corp to corp:

From the recruitment perspective, the following information about comparing US visas, differences between US visas and how US visas are related to employment (US TAX TERMS like 1099, w2, 1099) will help the recruiter to source profiles correctly for the client’s requirements or their own requirements. Moreover it will help the candidates also to search the right employer and working on the correct tax term. We have provided the common visas used in IT recruitment.

US VisasDescription
H1BUS Work Visa (Applicable to several countries). Validity Period can be extended also
H1B1For Singapore and Chile Citizens
H4Dependent to H1B, and H1B1. H1B Dependent Visa. Validity Period can be extended based on spouse’s visa.
L1AIntra Company Transfer
L1B(L1 Blanket)Intra Company Transfer
L2Dependent to L1A (with EAD, they can work)
L2Dependent to L1B (with EAD, they can work)
F1 (OPT)US Study Visa (Optical Practical Training). They will get EAD card.
F1 (CPT)US Study Visa (Curricular Practical Training)
F2Dependent to F1
TN1visa to canadidan and mexicans
TDDependent to TN1
E-3Similar to H1B; only for Australian Citizens
E-3DDependent of E3
B1Business Visa (Validity period based on visa stamping)
B2Visitor Visa (Validity period based on visa stamping)
Green Card (EAD)Before getting GC, you can get EAD
Green CardShould maintain the status

Important links for w2, 1099, and Visas:

  1. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/working-us
  2. http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/how-many-1099-forms-are-there.html
  3. http://www.ehow.com/list_7555950_different-w2-types.html
  4. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/temporary-workers/temporary-nonimmigrant-workers

To know more about this topic, please reach us at AntonysTrainingandSolution@Gmail.com.

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